Everything you need to know

To navigate upcoming changes to the regulation of the finance industry in New Zealand

How will changes to regulation of the finance industry in New Zealand affect your advice business? It’s a question many brokers are asking, yet there are few clear answers.

We've condensed the knowledge you need to navigate the upcoming changes to our industry.

Whats Inside

Your guide to the future of NZ's advice industry

The Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill (FSLAB) seeks to establish a new regulatory regime for financial advice, and financial advisers in New Zealand. It is expected to come into law in April 2019.

Concern is building over the burden compliance will place on the independent financial adviser. Many believe maintaining a license in the new regime will be cost-prohibitive and misinformation is flooding the industry.

The purpose of this series of articles is to demystify regulation, and support advisers who wish to maintain the independence of their business.

Not only will licensing be affordable. We will show you how to manage licensing, how the upcoming legislation may affect the advice you provide and how to prepare your business for the future.

This e-book will cover three key sections:

  • Understanding how the legislation will affect the industry, your business, and the advice you deliver.
  • Helping you understand licensing and whether holding your own license is a good idea.
  • Applying for and maintaining your own licence moving forward.

Download Your Compliance Guide

Learn how to navigate upcoming changes to regulation.

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